Other Resources
If you are having trouble finding a therapist, psychotherapist or counsellor at the moment, you’re in a crisis situation, or you aren’t feeling ready for therapy but still need some support I hope these resources might help. As my therapy practice is based in Hackney, some of these specific in that area, but others are available across London or across the UK. Similarly, as many of my clients identify as LGBTQ+ there is a specific section on resources aimed at those communities.
Emergency or Urgent support
Emergency Support: If you are experiencing a mental health crisis you should seek help from your GP, your local Mental Health Crisis team (in Hackney they can be reached on 020 8432 8020 – Hackney 24 Hour Mental Health Crisis Line), or by calling 999 in an emergency.
Walk in Crisis Cafe, Hackney: A safe, supportive and therapeutic place for anyone struggling. At The Raybould Centre, Homerton Row, E9 6SR from 6-9pm Monday to Friday, and 12-4pm on Saturday and Sunder. In Hackney you can also contact the Crisis Pathway Service on 0800 073 0006, and there is a Crisis Cafe
Other support
Mental Health Stabilisation Pack: A really useful resource from Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB (produced by service users and psychologists) – This provides an introduction to trauma, what some experiences often association with trauma are like (e.g. shame, dissociation, or mood swings) and some strategies for coping with them. It also has a section on more general coping strategies including compassion, self-care, mindfulness and grounding techniques that are useful more broadly (for example to deal with anxiety or low mood).
Samaritans: Support 24 hours a day 365 days a year: 116123
Papyrus: Helpline and website offering support to children and adults under 35 experiencing thoughts of suicide (08000684141)
Refuge: Offering support to women and children experiencing domestic abuse (08082000247)
Respect: Offering support to men experiencing domestic abuse (0808 801 0327)
LGBTQ+ Support and Resources
Switchboard: LGBT+ helpline open 10am-10pm each day on 0300 330 0630
GALOP: The LGBT+ anti-violence charity with a domestic abuse helpline (0800 999 5428), a conversion therapy helpline (0800 130 3335) and a hate crime helpline (0207 704 2040)
Gendered Intelligence: A charity which exists to improve the lives of Trans people. Includes some really helpful resources, as well as youth groups, resources for young trans people and their families, and a support line: 0330 355 9670
London LGBTQ+ Community Centre: A great, real-world place, where you can join a range of activities from crafts, yoga, talks and fitness classes, or just enjoy one of their ‘quiet times’ and browse their library.
ELOP (East London Out Project): Walthamstow based LGBT community centre offering a range of services including low cost counselling.
NAZ Project: A BAME-led sexual health charity offering a range of services
Can we HELP?: A joint project between LGBT Hero, ELOP, and London Friend, offering a collection of really useful information, resources and referrals.